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3. Zusammenfassung und Fazit

Aufgabe 7:

Hier finden Sie noch einmal Ihre in Aufgabe 2 gesammelten Ideen zum Umgang mit Herausforderungen in VA. Ergänzen Sie diese nun ggf. mit weiteren Tipps und Tricks, die für Ihre eigene VA-Praxis nützlich sein könnten.

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“There are challenges in virtual exchanges, chiefly having to do with communication, cultural differences, technology, time zones, and the ease at which students and teachers can interact with the systems. However, in each of these roadblocks there lies an opportunity to teach meaningful skills and present students with a-ha moments that you’d not normally find within the walls of a classroom. Therein lie the solutions for virtual exchange issues: teaching resilience, patience, humility, creative problem solving, and emphasizing ingenuity and self-reflection.”
(Pieracchini 2023)


Baroni, Alice; Dooly, Melinda; Garcés García, Pilar; Guth, Sarah; Hauck, Mirjam; Helm, Francesca et al. (2019): Evaluating the impact of virtual exchange on initial teacher education. A European policy experiment. Voillans, France.

Belz, Julie A.; Müller-Hartmann, Andreas (2003): Teachers as Intercultural Learners: Negotiating German?American Telecollaboration along the Institutional Fault Line. In: The Modern Language Journal 87 (1), S. 71-89.

Calvo, L. C. S. / Hartle, L. C. (2023): Investigating pre-service teachers from Brazil and the US in a virtual exchange project: Benefits and challenges of student-selected and required technologies. In: Education and Information Technologies (2024) 29: S. 5169-5187.

EVOLVE (o. D. a): EVOLVE Training: Managing Challenge. Case 1: Moscow – New York. Abrufbar unter: (18.12.23)

EVOLVE (o. D. b): EVOLVE Training: Managing Challenge. Case 2: COIL – SUNY exchanges. Abrufbar unter: (18.12.23)

EVOLVE (o. D. c): EVOLVE Training: Managing Challenge. Case 3: Egypt – The Netherlands. Abrufbar unter: (18.12.23)

Healy, S. & Kennedy, O. (2020): The practical realities of virtual exchange. In E. Hagley / Y. Wang (Hg.): Virtual exchange in the Asia-Pacific: research and practice, S. 125-144. Abrufbar unter: (08.02.2024)

Lewis, T. / Kan, Q. (2021): Designing and Supporting Virtual Exchange: The Case of Chinese-English e-Tandem. In: Modern Languages Open (2021(1): 19, S. 1–17.

O’Dowd, Robert & Ritter, Markus (2006): Understanding and Working with ‘Failed Communication’ in Telecollaborative Exchanges. In: CALICO Journal 23, S. 623-642.

Pieraccini, Dan (2023): Virtual Exchange Roadblocks: Challenges and Solutions for Educators. Abrufbar unter:

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